Aviator Slot
There are many Online Slots games available to Aviator Casino play. There’s a slots game that will appeal to virtually everyone. Finding your favourites will be an exciting, fun-filled journey of exploration. The Aviator will slot in between the Nautilus and the full-sized Navigator, sitting in the growing, three-row luxury SUV segment. The Aviator uses a new, rear-wheel-drive platform (although all. As suggested by the game's title, Aviator is all about aviation perfect for those players who admire those flying machines and planes. The game is packed with 5 reels and 9 paylines with its reels boasting interesting, cartoonish symbols set against some plane hangar depicted in the background. The Aviator Casino has a combination of casino gaming + restaurant + bar that is second to none. With weekly events like No Limit Hold 'Em Tournaments, Taco Tuesday, Wings & Whiskey Wednesday's, Live music on Thursday's, and Dj's every weekend, there is always something going.
Slot machines are popular worldwide Aviator Casino In Delano Ca for their record-breaking jackpots and exciting themes. With few rules and strategies to consider, slot games are perfect for new casino players. Try some free slot games now or discover online slots to play for real money.
What does it take to become a Pilot?
To compete for a pilot or navigator allocation you need to:
- Be enrolled full-time in a school offering Air Force ROTC and qualify for the program
- Meet all physical requirements
- Achieve qualifying scores on the Air Force Officer Qualifying Test. Maintain a minimum 2.0 grade point average
- Receive a waiver for any civil involvement (for example, speeding tickets, minor infractions, etc.)
- Be commissioned prior to reaching your 29th birthday
If you are interested in becoming an Air Force pilot or navigator, start talking to your detachment admissions officer (for college students) or Regional Director of Admissions (for high school students) as soon as possible. If you are medically qualified and desire a flying career, you must compete for pilot and/or navigator allocations about 15 months prior to graduation and commissioning. Your junior year in college is when things really take off.
Order of Merit
Categorization is the process by which AFROTC cadets are selected for rated slots (e.g. Pilot, Navigator, Air Battle Managers). Categorization occurs the Spring prior to graduation. Competition for rated slots is based on an “order of merit” numeric score and is very competitive. A selection board at AFROTC Headquarters determines rated positions based on nationwide scores. A cadet’s order of merit score is made up of the following:
Naval Aviator Slot

- Distinguished Graduate, top 10% – 10 Points
- Superior Performer, next 10% – 9 Points
- Top Third (not including DG or SP) – 8 Points
- Middle Third – 7 Points
- Bottom Third – 6 Points
- Not yet attended Field Training – 5 Points
The Pilot Candidate Selection Method (PCSM) score (applies to pilot candidates only) is worth up to 15 maximum OM points. The PCSM is an index that is supposed to quantify a pilot candidate’s aptitude for success at Undergraduate Flying Training (UFT). It incorporates your AFOQT Pilot score, the results from your TBAS test, and your flying hours. (For more on the TBAS, see below). Click here for more PCSM information.
After you have taken the AFOQT and TBAS tests, you can check your PCSM online. Along with your PCSM score, you are given a scale indicating what your PCSM would be with additional flight hours. If you can afford to spend time and money, we recommend achieving more flight hours to not online increase your PCSM, but also to get more practice and become a better aviator.
After flying, make sure you formally log your flight hours and submit them to the PCSM office at HQAETC no later than January 15 of your categorization year. That is the last point at which you can update your PCSM.
Work hard, prepare for the AFOQT. Your AFOQT score is factored into your overall score differently depending on whether you are competing for a pilot, navigator or ABM slot. All candidates must have a minimum score of 15 (Verbal) and 10 (Quantitative). These are absolute minimums and not waiverable for categorization even if you were able to get a waiver to get into the POC.Pilot candidates must have a minimum score of 25 (Pilot), 10 (Navigator) and cumulative 50 (Pilot + Navigator). Also, your AFOQT Pilot score will factor into your PCSM score for OM purposes.
Navigator candidates must achieve a minimum score of 10 (Pilot), 25 (Navigator) and cumulative 50 (Pilot + Navigator). Also, you will receive up to 15 maximum OM points from your AFOQT Navigator score.
For ABM candidates, your AFOQT Academic Aptitude score will count for up to 15 maximum OM points.
You can take the AFOQT twice with a 180-day minimum interval between tests. You cannot take this test more than twice. Regardless of which test scores are higher, the most recent AFOQT scores are what count – so be careful when you decide to re-take the test.
Study hard, review the study guides and spend the time preparing for the AFOQT.
Test of Basic Aviation Skills (TBAS)
The Test of Basic Aviation Skills (TBAS) replaced the Basic Attributes Test (BAT) as of August 2006. All pilot candidates must take the TBAS, which just like the BAT, is a computer-based test designed to aid in pilot selection. Typically, you are offered an opportunity to take it at field training. It will be incorporated into your PCSM score and thus into your OM score. You can take the TBAS twice as long as there is a 180-day interval between tests.
You will never receive an official TBAS score. But there are indicators that can tell you whether you scored low on the test. If when you check your PCSM score online, and it is low despite a decent AFOQT Pilot score, you might want to consider a TBAS retake because this may be an indication your first TBAS attempt scored low. Only the most recent TBAS score is the one that counts.
You will not receive an additionally physical prior to the categorization board. Instead, whatever physical you used to enter onto contract status will be screened for PPQ (Potential Pilot Qualification) and/or PNQ (Potential Navigator Qualification) status. The requirements for PPQ/PNQ are:
PPQ 20/70 (distant vision), 20/20 (near), refractive limits +2.00/-1.50, .75 astigmatism
PNQ 20/200 (distant vision), 20/40 (near), refractive limits +3.00/-2.75, 2.00 astigmatism
Source: AFOATSI 36-2011, para. 3.11
Once you have been selected you will have to complete a Flying Class I (pilot) or IA (navigator) physical prior to commissioning. Check our Aerospace Medicine Archive for FAQs or join our online discussion forums and ask a Flight Doc a question.
Because pilot and navigator candidates must enter training prior to their 30th birthdays, you must be scheduled to graduate and receive your commission prior to your 29th birthday. This cannot be waived (refernce: AFROTCI 36-2013 paragraph 3.2.4).
RSS | 5-10 | 5 | 50% (50 points) |
GPA | 2.0-4.0 | 3.75 | 15% (15 points) |
PFT | 75-100 | 0.15 | 10% (10 points) |
FT | 5-10 | 1 | 10% (10 points) |
PCSM (Pilot only) | 1-99 | 0.1516 | 15% (15 points) |
AFOQT-N (Nav only) | 1-99 | 0.1516 | 15% (15 points) |
AFOQT-AA (ABM only) | 1-99 | 0.1516 | 15% (15 points) |
NOTE * :
- The formula for calculating the RSS is (10*((1-R/C)+0.5/C)) where R=UCR and C=Class Size
- The PCSM is used for categorization processing if applying for pilot slot.
- The AFOQT-N is used for categorization processing if applying for CSO slot.
- The AFOQT-AA is used for categorization processing if applying for ABM slot.
Excerpt from AFROTCI 36-2013:
9.7. Detachment Pilot/CSO/ABM Categorization Processing.
9.7.1. The Det/CC will assign each individual a UCR based on the entire Fiscal Year (FY)
commissioning class, regardless if the individual is competing for a pilot/CSO/ABM slot. As
with PSP selection, consider the cadet’s potential based on performance as a cadet before
assigning the UCR. WINGS will compute the RSS based upon the UCR and class size based
on formula in Table 9.2.
Table 9.2. Pilot/CSO/ABM Order of Merit
RSS (Note 1) 5-10 5 50%
Cumulative GPA 2.0-4.0 3.75 15%
PFT 75-100 0.15 10%
FT 5-10 1 10%
AFOQT-N (Note 2) 1-99 0.1516 15%
PCSM (Note 2) 1-99 0.1516 15%
AFOQT-AA 1-99 0.1516 15%
9.7.2. Submit pilot/CSO/ABM candidates to HQ AFROTC/RRFP by entering categorization
data into WINGS prior to nomination cut-off. Wings will compute each candidate’s OM
score using the most current information available. Once the OM is calculated and the
applicant has met the categorization process, the OM will not be adjusted. Exception:
Cadets not completing FT prior to the March board will automatically receive FT score of
“0.” Once FT is complete, upward adjustment to the OM is authorized based on FT results
only and happens automatically.
9.7.3. Cadets: Must submit preferences via memorandum to the commander prior to the
established cut-off date. Cadets competing for pilot must indicate their Undergraduate Pilot Training
(UPT) preference (Figure 9.4). Preferences must be updated in WINGS prior to
nomination cut-off. NOTE: Cadet’s volunteering for ENJJPT must understand that
ENJJPT is a fighter-oriented program and if successfully completed, will likely
result in a fighter or bomber assignment based on Air Force needs; and if
eliminated from ENJJPT, they will not be eligible for any other UPT. All cadets competing for CSO must provide their track preference: Heavy or
Strike/Strike Fighter track (Figure 9.4). Track preferences must be updated in WINGS
prior to nomination cut-off.
Check out this handy Order of Merit Calculator
AFOQT Test Advice

“Study advice: The Military Flight Aptitude exam book is good for mazes, mechanical comp, word knowledge etc. However study the Officer Candidate Tests book, it is much better and more challenging in the math and arithmetic knowledge sections (spelling is obviously not my strength). Study to realistic times ONCE YOU HAVE mastered the problems.”
Air Force Pilot Training Topics
Meet Spribe’s Aviator, a social multiplayer game that revolutionized the world of online casino games. This is a completely new kind of gameplay that allows you to get an incredible feeling from the bets. Created in the video game industry, this format has become popular in crypto casinos due to its simplicity and exciting gambling effects.
Aviator appearedin January 2019 and literally tore the online casinos audience. At the moment,this is the only game of its kind that allows you to multiply your bet by1,000,000 times! Interesting? Let’s get through it.
How Aviator Works
The first impression of Aviator is surprise, because the design is different from everything that was before. When players open the game, they see a flying airplane, control buttons and statistics. There are no reels, paylines, free spins and the usual bonus games. But, like the usual online slots, Aviator offers participation in the rounds. At the same time, several hundred and even thousands of players around the world play at the same time.
What do we have to do? Place a bet and monitor the airplane flight. The longer the plane flies, the higher the coefficient by which the bet will be multiplied. This coefficient is growing in the screen very center, steeply taking up the curve. And you need to click on your “Bet” button when you decide that the winnings are already big enough.
However, if the plane flew away, but the button was not pressed, your bet goes to the casino. So the player must cash out before the happy plane leaves.
By the way, youcan make two bets at the same time. Active players have already turned thisoption into an advantage that minimizes losses at low round odds. But we willtalk about game strategies after.
The whole charm ofAviator is that the winning coefficient that can vary from 1.00x to1,000,000.00x. The return to player in the game is impressive, RTP is 97 %.That means that you can actually increase your deposit a million times,having a return over 97 %. No game without a progressive jackpot does not offersuch prize, and even more such a high odds.
Spribe Aviator Features
The developersthought that the players were more interested than in ordinary slots, where infact everyone plays alone. Down with the loneliness! Here, all participants whoare in the game can chat with each other in a special chat window. Aviator fanshave already appreciated this feature, and the chatting is always in a fullswing, which gives a cool feeling of busy traffic action.
The game alsoopenly collects and publishes statistics. The last rounds results are alwayspublished in a separate window. And in addition, this window can be expanded tosee the results of several dozens of recent events. A great option for thosewho develop their own strategies and rely not only on intuition.
Additionally,you can track the results of bets: your own, all current participants and seethe bets top. A great gift for those who keep their statistics and developproductive game schemes.
It should benoted that the Aviator’s design is as simple as possible. No bells and whistlesthat distract from betting. The developers deliberately abandoned the complexpicture, deciding to focus all attention on the payout ratio. Evenvisualization with a flying airplane can be turned off in the settings. And youwill only see growing numbers in the screen center.
Creative from Spribe
Spribe is one ofthe first developers to introduce Aviator in regular online casinos. Today, thecompany has the most advanced game version on the market, focused onmillennials and Generation Y.
Aviator wasintroduced at ICE 2020 in London. By that time, the new gameplay was alreadywell-known, and the novelty received dozens of offers from major iGamingbrands. Of course, the game is adapted for all types of devices and operatingsystems.
Spribe’s Aviatoroffers:
• Integratedmarketing tools
• Best-in-classuser experience and design
• Constantupdates and improvements
• Provably Fair guaranteedfair results
• The game isfast, consumes few resources and is optimized for budget and old devices
• Lightweightand optimized gameplay ideal for use on the slow Internet
• On mobiledevices, consume 300% less battery than competitors
• Live game:live chat, live bets, live statistics
Aviator by Spribe: Gameplay Benefits
All Spribegames, including Aviator, are based on proven cryptographic technology calledProvably Fair. This technology guarantees 100% game result fairness. With thistechnology, no one can interfere with the gameplay. And the player can checkeach result and make sure that it is correct.
Aviator Slot
The game isperfectly adapted to any screen sizes. Even on the smallest displays, theplayer will see all the key information, and it will be convenient to placebets.
Autoplay features in Aviator
Spribe’sdevelopers have provided players in Aviator to withdraw bets automatically.Each of the two bets can be set to a withdrawal rate. For example, picking up abet when the plane has flown to 1.10x, 2.00x, 100x or to any other limit. Thebet value is also automatically adjusted: 1, 10, 100, 10 000 and so on. Itsmaximum value depends on the currency in which the game is played.
Strategies for playing Aviator
As soon asAviator appeared in online casinos, it captured the players’ minds who preferto play not only intuitively, but also develop strategies. Since the gameplayis completely innovative, no strategy made for online slots or roulette issuitable for the game.
You can finddozens of videos on YouTube, where completely different people show how theymade huge drifts, adhering to their betting system. All these players agree onone thing – you need to make 2 bets.
The most popularstrategy is to set one of the bets on breakeven, and the second on profit. Therecommendations are as follows: we make two bets, one of which is twice aslarge as the other. We take a larger bet when the coefficient reaches 1.50x. Sowe immediately beat back the money spent on the bets. But the second one can bedisposed of at your own discretion. For example, wait for the highest possibleratio or set the auto delivery to 7.00x, 10.00x or any other winnings level.
Experienced fanwho have been studying the game since launch have noticed that low odds occurin Aviator. If such are outlined, it is recommended to skip several rounds. Andif you want to grab a big jackpot, you should make high bets, but stop on time.

Aviator Slot Game
Spribe’s Aviatorgame impressed the Shangri La Live online casino team, and right after launchit hit the popular among the players. This is really a completely new format ofthe game, which tickles the nerves in a completely different way, and at thesame time gives a big jackpot. Definitely Aviator is worth it to register onthe site, get your bonuses and try your luck.